
The RDM website promotes awareness of RDM issues among TU Graz researchers. RDM encompasses steps ensuring data can be found, accessed, and reused with proper description.
This site offers RDM tools, services and materials from the RDM Team at TU Graz.

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      RDM Logo
        eLabFTW LogoeLabFTW is a free and open-source electronic laboratory notebook (ELN) for research institutions. TU Graz hosts its own instance of eLabFTW and makes the functions of the electronic laboratory notebook available to all members of TU Graz. eLabFTW is supported by an active community of users and developers and is good choice if you are looking for a flexible and reliable ELN.
      • Documentation of research data (metadata) in research and teaching
      • Possibility to work in teams and groups, with a detailed permission system
      • Management of resources: devices, tasks, exercise groups, projects, etc.
      • Connections between experiments and resources
      • Schedular for booking of resource objects
      • Many more…